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Written in pop culture’s mythology is the moment when the homely girl takes off her glasses and ascends to the Olympian state of the bombshell. The 2000s witnessed the rise and fall of the makeover through the female form. Gen Z-entrified through social media, the makeover is no longer what you think it is. Men now take their seat at the makeover chair as the transformation arises from Looksmaxxing. 


Looksmaxxing, by definition, is “the act of altering one’s appearance in order to become more attractive.” And while likely anyone you ask will admit to enhancing their appearance, Looksmaxxers aren’t merely adding a pop of color to their wardrobe or trying a new hair product. They’re deadlifting, shaving down their teeth for veneers, and some are even smashing their bones, fighting for their spot on the hierarchy of allure.

“Attractive people are perceived as being more intelligent, trustworthy, healthier, sociable, and successful,” says Dean Robertson, Founder of Dean’s website has over 18,000 registered members. Not unlike beauty pageants, Looksmaxxers are scored based on their appearance. “The community I am cultivating is one that is honest and helpful. Everyone has a shared goal of improving their appearance and becoming the best version of themselves,” he says. 


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@u/Foreign_Log6985 reaches out to fellow Looksmaxers on the subreddit r/Howtolooksmax for advice on how to enhance his jaw to acquire the more highly-coveted ultra-defined jaw.

Conventional wisdom would place beauty in the eye of the beholder—however, there’s hardly room for subjectivity in the metrics that Looksmaxxers use to establish their pecking order. “It all boils down to dimorphic traits,” says a user on YouTube. Dimorphic traits, generally defined, are the variance in appearance between different sexes in the same species. In the subculture’s vernacular, these traits boil down to two categories: the hyper-masculine and the pretty boy. Where you stand on the spectrum is determined largely by the ratios that comprise your facial features, such as thirds of the jaw, nose size, neck size, lip size, eye depth, and eye-to-eyebrow distance—the list goes on.


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@_heyitsday_ takes his aesthetic anxieties to TikTok to discern whether his Canthal tilt will hinder his look.  

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And look, if these ratios aren’t enough to send you spinning in a spiral of trigonometric turmoil, there are angles and tilts that, much like ratios, play a key role. The canthal tilt—the angle between the inner and outer corner of the eye—has become the subject of many a meme. “A positive canthal tilt—where the outer corner is slightly higher—is often seen as a hallmark of attractiveness because it gives the eyes a more alert and engaging appearance,” says Dean. “This subtle aspect of facial structure can influence first impressions and interpersonal connections, as our eyes are a focal point for communication and expression.” Whereas a positive canthal tilt can make you look younger, sharper, and dominant, a negative canthal tilt—when the outer corner is positioned lower than the inner corner—can make you look sad, tired, and submissive. 

maybe he's born with it...
maybe it's mewing.


@colgatewizard demonstrates the proper mewing position to enhance the jaw.

Much like eyes, the mandible assumes top priority in matters of the glow-up. “You look at CEOs and heads of state. Traditionally, they have very strong jawlines and chins,” says Dr. Adam Schaffner, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon based in Manhattan. “You can look at the past presidents of the United States, starting with Reagan, Bush, both Bushes, Clinton—if you look at the bone structure, they have a strong jawline and a strong chin.”


For the softcore/lite Looksmaxxer in pursuit of the knife-edged jaw, there’s jawline enhancing gum, silicone jaw exercisers (see Jawzrsize Fitness 4 Your Face), and mewing. Not meowing, mewing is the theory popularized by Doctors John and Mike Mew that suggests that the issues many have with their jaw result from the imbalance of the muscles of the face and neck. To mew, start by placing “the tip of your tongue slightly behind your teeth. Then, press the rest of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Then, rest your teeth together slightly. Close your lips. Create a suction by swallowing your saliva repeatedly,” says Ronald Ead, demonstrating the motion on YouTube

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hardcore hunk

For the hardcore hunks, there’s a shortcut, or so it’s said. Between another man’s legs, Ethan Buck lies, motioning him where to punch his face. No, it’s not a scene in Fight Club. It’s #Bonesmashing. It is the cheekbone Ethan yearns to be smashed. So, he gets his wish. After getting slugged, Ethan is shown swollen-faced, battle-wounds and all. Despite the video being a spoof, it’s a sharp representative of what the controversial trend that caught fire on TikTok looks like, so controversial the platform recently swept itself clean of videos demonstrating the perilous remedy. 

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@ethanbuck demonstrating the Bonesmashing trend on TikTok


Parodies of the #Bonesmashing trend on TikTok

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Bonesmashing is often looked at as an inside joke among Looksmaxxers. And yet, “People find this type of thing appealing as it can be done at home for free. Cosmetic procedures like surgery or fillers can be very costly,” says Dean. 

Akin to many a Looksmaxer, Squidward engages in bonesmashing, leveling up his jawline/cheekbone game

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For most, looking in the mirror is just another part of their daily routine. For many Looksmaxxers, gazing at their reflection means so much more. It’s a strategy. Although Dean has been Looksmaxing for over four years, his mind constantly flickers to different ways he can improve his appearance. “Your looks impact almost every facet of your life, whether it’s your dating life, career, or social circle,” he says.

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